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Photovoltaic Fault Detector

Deep learning application for fault detection in photovoltaic plants. Trained detection models that point out where the panel faults are by using radiometric thermal infrared pictures, as well as a tutorial on how to use these algorithms in your own thermal photos. It also shows a step by step to train these models with its own database, in order to properly adjust the model to its particularity.


In the root project execute the following command to install all dependencies project

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need install Jupyter notebook to see the code example. You can find the installation documentation for the Jupyter platform, on ReadTheDocs or in github page here.

For a local installation, make sure you have pip installed and run:

pip install notebook

Example to use trained model

In 'Example_Prediction' this is the example of how to implement an already trained model, it can be modified to change the model you have to use and the image in which you want to detect faults.

In 'Example Prediction AllInOne' this is the example of how implement all trained model, you can use this code for predict a folder of images and have a output image with detection boxes.

In 'Example_Prediction_Orthophoto' this is the example of how implement all trained model, you can use this code for predict a Orthophot and have a output image with detection boxes.

Model Detection

The models used for detection are SSD SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector and YOLOv3 [YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement] (, they are imported from the following repositories:

Grab the pretrained weights of SSD and YOLO3 from Drive_Weights

ModelPretrained Weights
SSD7/SSD300Weight VGG16
YOLO3Weight Full Yolo3

Type of Data

The images used for the design of this model were extracted by air analysis, specifically: FLIR aerial radiometric thermal infrared pictures, taken by UAV (R-JPEG format). Which were converted into .jpg images for the training of these detection models. Example FLIR image:


Same image in .jpg format:



1. Data preparation

View folder Train&Test_A/ and Train&Test_S/, example of panel anns and soiling fault anns.

Organize the dataset into 4 folders:

  • train_image_folder <= the folder that contains the train images.

  • train_annot_folder <= the folder that contains the train annotations in VOC format.

  • valid_image_folder <= the folder that contains the validation images.

  • valid_annot_folder <= the folder that contains the validation annotations in VOC format.

There is a one-to-one correspondence by file name between images and annotations. For create own data set use LabelImg code from :

2. Edit the configuration file

The configuration file for YOLO3 is a json file, which looks like this (example soiling fault ):

"model" : {
"min_input_size": 400,
"max_input_size": 400,
"anchors": [5,7, 10,14, 15, 15, 26,32, 45,119, 54,18, 94,59, 109,183, 200,21],
"labels": ["1"],
"backend": "full_yolo_backend.h5"
"train": {
"train_image_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Train/images/",
"train_annot_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Train/anns/",
"cache_name": "../Experimento_fault_1/Resultados_yolo3/full_yolo/experimento_fault_1_gpu.pkl",
"train_times": 1,
"batch_size": 2,
"learning_rate": 1e-4,
"nb_epochs": 200,
"warmup_epochs": 15,
"ignore_thresh": 0.5,
"gpus": "0,1",
"grid_scales": [1,1,1],
"obj_scale": 5,
"noobj_scale": 1,
"xywh_scale": 1,
"class_scale": 1,
"tensorboard_dir": "log_experimento_fault_gpu",
"saved_weights_name": "../Experimento_fault_1/Resultados_yolo3/full_yolo/experimento_yolo3_full_fault.h5",
"debug": true
"valid": {
"valid_image_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Test/images/",
"valid_annot_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Test/anns/",
"cache_name": "../Experimento_fault_1/Resultados_yolo3/full_yolo/val_fault_1.pkl",
"valid_times": 1
"test": {
"test_image_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Test/images/",
"test_annot_folder": "../Train&Test_S/Test/anns/",
"cache_name": "../Experimento_fault_1/Resultados_yolo3/full_yolo/test_fault_1.pkl",
"test_times": 1

The configuration file for SSD300 is a json file, which looks like this (example soiling fault ) and .txt with name of images (train.txt):

"model" : {
"backend": "ssd300",
"input": 400,
"labels": ["1"]
"train": {
"train_image_folder": "Train&Test_S/Train/images",
"train_annot_folder": "Train&Test_S/Train/anns",
"train_image_set_filename": "Train&Test_S/Train/train.txt",
"train_times": 1,
"batch_size": 12,
"learning_rate": 1e-4,
"warmup_epochs": 3,
"nb_epochs": 100,
"saved_weights_name": "Result_ssd300_fault_1/experimento_ssd300_fault_1.h5",
"debug": true
"valid": {
"valid_image_folder": "../Train&Test_D/Test/images/",
"valid_annot_folder": "../Train&Test_D/Test/anns/",
"valid_image_set_filename": "../Train&Test_D/Test/test.txt"
"test": {
"test_image_folder": "Train&Test_S/Test/images",
"test_annot_folder": "Train&Test_S/Test/anns",
"test_image_set_filename": "Train&Test_S/Test/test.txt"

3. Start the training process

python -c config.json -o /path/to/result

or python -c config.json -o /path/to/result

By the end of this process, the code will write the weights of the best model to file best_weights.h5 (or whatever name specified in the setting "saved_weights_name" in the config.json file). The training process stops when the loss on the validation set is not improved in 20 consecutive epoches.

4. Perform detection using trained weights on image, set of images

python -c config.json -i /path/to/image/or/video -o /path/output/result or python -c config.json -i /path/to/image/or/video -o /path/output/result

It carries out detection on the image and write the image with detected bounding boxes to the same folder.


The evaluation is integrated into the training process, if you want to do the independent evaluation you must go to the folder ssd_keras-master or keras-yolo3-master and use the following code

python -c config.json

Compute the mAP performance of the model defined in saved_weights_name on the validation dataset defined in valid_image_folder and valid_annot_folder.

Weights of Trained Models

All of weights of this trained model grab from Drive_Weights

ModelWeights TrainedConfig
SSD7 Panelweightconfig
SSD300 Soilingweightconfig
YOLO3 Panelweightconfig
YOLO3 Soilingweightconfig
YOLO3 Diodeweightconfig
YOLO3 Affected Cellweightconfig

The image used are specified in Table images. You can see some examples in Summary of results.